Pastor Daniel Dyer
The "Steppingstones of Encounter" curriculum, created exclusively for Como Retreat, guides guests through their retreat experience. These Biblically based steppingstones explore Jesus Christ's divinity and humanity and what that means for us; the role of the Holy Spirit; how to converse with God and live in His truth; focusing on the present; spiritual disciplines; and more.
Pastor Daniel brings over 30 years' experience in ministry development to Como Retreat. For ten years, beginning in 1990, Pastor Daniel was the Country Director for Friends of the Americas, managing relief, development, and medical projects in Latin America.
Pastor Daniel established the Family Prayer Discipleship Training Centers in 2001 for theological and leadership training for pastors and church leaders nationwide. The same year he also founded Prisoners of Hope International through which thousands of prisoners and correctional officers encounter Gods love, life, word and walk through a network of gifted teachers and pastors.
In 2014 Children’s Cup appointed Pastor Daniel as the Honduras Country Director. Through a network of Carepoints, Childrens Cup benefits thousands of needy children via its holistic child development programs.
Apart from his current work with Prisoners of Hope and Children’s Cup, Pastor Daniel is Senior Pastor of Casa de Oración Familiar (Family Prayer Center) in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where he has supported fifteen church plants during his tenure.